Designed for high school and college teachers and students of U.S. history survey courses, this site serves as a gateway to online resources and offers unique teaching materials, first-person primary documents, and guides to analyzing historical evidence.
Materials focus on the lives of ordinary Americans and actively involve students in analyzing and interpreting evidence.
The Center for History and New Media at George Mason University has come to the conclusion that effective digital tools for scholars are forged mostly in practice rather than theory. There is no reason that a weeklong institute can't both teach and produce something useful to the community—an actual digital humanities tool—while also laying the foundation and skills for future endeavors by the participants. Indeed, the act of doing, of building the tool, should be the best way for participants…
In 2008, the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) created an informal yearly conference on digital methods in the humanities called THATCamp—The Humanities and Technology Camp. The new style of the conference, with its emphasis on communicating new methods and trying things out rather than talking formally, helped to attract a wide range of curious scholars, and it spawned numerous locally-organized regional THATCamps in 2009. This proposal intends to leverage the energy and attendance of…
Omeka is a next-generation web publishing platform for smaller history museums, historical societies, and historic sites. Omeka will do for this constituency what blog software has done for ordinary web surfers - offer an easy, professional, and state-of-the-art way to display their content online.
Teaching American History grant partnership project between Loudoun County Public Schools and George Mason University, providing K-12 U.S. History teachers with year-long professional development programs. Website shares the curriculum products developed by teachers and the expert resources created for the program.
The THATCamp program has offered low-cost digital methods training to hundreds of humanities scholars. Largely as a result of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s 2010-2012 investment of $260,000, THATCamp has succeeded at providing digital humanities training at scale to the scholarly community, serving more than 4000 participants since its inception in 2008. We are asking for two further and final years of funding to ensure that THATCamp survives and flourishes for many years to come. With…
Large collecting institutions and their foundation backers have made good progress in recent years digitizing and making collections available online. Private corporations such as Thompson and Google have also done extensive work in this area. As impressive as these large-scale efforts are, materials found in large archives represent just a fraction of the unique archival materials in institutional holdings. Far greater—in numbers and even richness—are the combined collections found in small…
A white paper investigating mobile technology usage in gallery spaces and makes recommendations for art museums on how best to use these new applications to engage visitors with visual art objects
To build a set of plugins for Omeka to meet the particular demands of art historians and art museum staff: CDWA-lite migration tool; Cooliris slide show integration tool; and image annotation tool
Building on CHNM’s extensive track record in building software for scholarship and cultural heritage that is free, open source, and well used, and Scholar’s Lab’s expertise in large scale digital library and archives technology development and deployment, data visualization, and geographic mapping, this project aims to expand the Omeka-Neatline collaboration to improve, expand, disseminate, and support a set of Omeka plugins to help libraries, archives, and museums—from the local level to the…