History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web
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History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web
Project Item Type Metadata
History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web
Designed for high school and college teachers and students of U.S. history survey courses, this site serves as a gateway to online resources and offers unique teaching materials, first-person primary documents, and guides to analyzing historical evidence.
Materials focus on the lives of ordinary Americans and actively involve students in analyzing and interpreting evidence.
Materials focus on the lives of ordinary Americans and actively involve students in analyzing and interpreting evidence.
Start Date
End Date
Roy Rosenzweig
Joshua Brown
Pennee Bender
Kelly Schrum
Ellen Noonan
Stephen Brier
Web Designer(s)
Andrea Ades Vasquez
Dan Cohen
Simon Kornblith
Andre Pitanga
Elena Razlogova
Staff Members
Rustin Crandall
Joseph Duis
Juliet Gorman
Katharina Hering
Dan Maxwell
Julie Miller
Peter Strong
Donna Yee
Ann Bazzarone
Cathie Boivin
Adam Dinwiddie
Jessica Finnefrock
Michael Laine
Monica Ortiz
Gregg Parrish
Wei Su
Christian Turek
TuVinh Vuong
Content Experts
David Jaffee
Ann Fabian
Nancy Hewitt
Gary Kornblith
John McClymer
Neil Salisbury
Carl Schulkin
Tom Thurston
1. WWW.History: More than 1,000 annotated websites for teaching and learning U.S. history, as well as more than 250 scholarly website reviews.
2. Many Pasts: 1,000 primary sources in text, image, and audio about the experiences of ordinary Americans throughout U.S. history.
3. Making Sense of Evidence: Designed to help students and teachers make effective use of primary sources; includes Making Sense of Evidence and Making Sense of Documents.
4. Digital Blackboard: more than 70 successful Web-based assignments—some developed ourselves, others developed by the Library of Congress, the National Archives, and the Journal of American—as practical models for integrating digital media into the classroom.
5. Secrets of Great History Teachers: 17 interviews in which distinguished teachers share their strategies and techniques.
6. Syllabus Central: 8 annotated syllabi that offer creative approaches to teaching, with particular emphasis on innovative ways of organizing the U.S. Survey and integrating technology.
7. Talking History: 25 archived dialogues about teaching U.S. history moderated by some of the nation’s leading historians, including Eric Foner, James O. Horton, Laurel Ulrich, Alan Brinkley, Gerda Lerner, and Richard White.
8. Past Meets Present: 8 short essays in which historians offer their views on the relationship between current events and larger historical themes, placing some of the most controversial political and social topics of the day in historical perspective.
9. Puzzled by the Past: formerly appeared on a monthly basis; the archive contains 19 fun exercises (with answers) that teachers can use in their classrooms to inspire creative thinking and challenge assumptions.
10. Reference Desk: annotated links to resources on curriculum standards, citing and evaluating websites, and understanding copyright and fair use laws as they apply to the use and creation of educational materials on the Web.
Project URL
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
National Endowment for the Humanities
Rockefeller Foundation
New York Council for the Humanities
Funding Amount
American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning
High school and university U.S. history students and educators
2005 New York Public Library Best of Reference
“History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/207.
Item Relations
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: W. K. Kellogg Foundation |
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: National Endowment for the Humanities |
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: Rockefeller Foundation |
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: New York Council for the Humanities |
This Item | Partner | Item: American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning |
This Item | Staff | Item: Roy Rosenzweig |
This Item | Staff | Item: Kelly Schrum |
This Item | Staff | Item: Dan Cohen |
This Item | Staff | Item: Simon Kornblith |
This Item | Staff | Item: Elena Razlogova |
This Item | Staff | Item: Rustin Crandall |
This Item | Staff | Item: Joseph Duis |
This Item | Staff | Item: Katharina Hering |
This Item | Staff | Item: Dan Maxwell |
This Item | Staff | Item: Peter Strong |
This Item | Staff | Item: Jessica Finnefrock |
This Item | Staff | Item: Michael Laine |
This Item | Staff | Item: TuVinh Vuong |