Omeka Commons: Preserving and Sharing Our Dispersed Digital Commonwealth
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Omeka Commons: Preserving and Sharing Our Dispersed Digital Commonwealth
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Omeka Commons: Preserving and Sharing Our Dispersed Digital Commonwealth
Large collecting institutions and their foundation backers have made good progress in recent years digitizing and making collections available online. Private corporations such as Thompson and Google have also done extensive work in this area. As impressive as these large-scale efforts are, materials found in large archives represent just a fraction of the unique archival materials in institutional holdings. Far greater—in numbers and even richness—are the combined collections found in small museums, libraries, archives, and historical societies around the world.
To fund each of these institutions individually to mount their collections online is not feasible. he answer is to provide a low-barrier, low-cost, standards-based means for local institutions and individuals to mount their own online collections and a similarly low-barrier means for them to voluntarily share those materials for central preservation and discovery. In partnership with the Internet Archive, the Center for History and New Media aims to meet this remaining challenge by networking the thousands of local websites using Omeka and aggregating their contents into a single, permanent, open access repository: Omeka Commons.
To fund each of these institutions individually to mount their collections online is not feasible. he answer is to provide a low-barrier, low-cost, standards-based means for local institutions and individuals to mount their own online collections and a similarly low-barrier means for them to voluntarily share those materials for central preservation and discovery. In partnership with the Internet Archive, the Center for History and New Media aims to meet this remaining challenge by networking the thousands of local websites using Omeka and aggregating their contents into a single, permanent, open access repository: Omeka Commons.
Start Date
End Date
Dan Cohen
Sheila Brennan
Jeremy Boggs
Web Designer(s)
Jeremy Boggs
Kim Nguyen
Patrick Murray-John
Staff Members
Jim Safley
Raymond Yee
Sheila Brennan
Kris Kelly
Linda Frueh
1) Omeka Commons will provide long-term digital preservation for cultural heritage institutions, raise visibility, and maintain local control over digital assets.
2) Omeka Commons will improve discovery for researchers, increase access to cultural heritage collections, and encourage collaboration.
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Funding Amount
Internet Archive
“Omeka Commons: Preserving and Sharing Our Dispersed Digital Commonwealth,” RRCHNM20, accessed February 14, 2025,
Item Relations
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: Institute of Museum and Library Services |
This Item | Partner | Item: Internet Archive |
This Item | Staff | Item: Tom Scheinfeldt |
This Item | Staff | Item: Sharon Leon |
This Item | Staff | Item: Dan Cohen |
This Item | Staff | Item: Sheila Brennan |
This Item | Staff | Item: Jeremy Boggs |
This Item | Staff | Item: Jim Safley |
This Item | Staff | Item: Raymond Yee |