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Omeka - A Free, Open-source, Standards-Based, Easy-to-Use Web Publishing Platform to Bring History and Heritage Museums into the Era of Web 2.0

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Omeka - A Free, Open-source, Standards-Based, Easy-to-Use Web Publishing Platform to Bring History and Heritage Museums into the Era of Web 2.0

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Omeka - A Free, Open-source, Standards-Based, Easy-to-Use Web Publishing Platform to Bring History and Heritage Museums into the Era of Web 2.0


Omeka is a next-generation web publishing platform for smaller history museums, historical societies, and historic sites. Omeka will do for this constituency what blog software has done for ordinary web surfers - offer an easy, professional, and state-of-the-art way to display their content online.

Start Date


End Date


Proposal Co-Authors

Roy Rosenzweig
Tom Scheinfeldt


Tom Scheinfeldt
Sharon Leon

Web Designer(s)

Jeremy Boggs
Kim Nguyen


Nate Agrin
John Flatness
Jim Safley
Patrick Murray-John
Ken Albers

Staff Members

Sheila Brennan


Robert Horton
Irene van Bavel


1. Planning and Consultation: two community meetings, release a video podcast of the meeting on the project website and ask for further comments, hold a smaller working weekend with key partners at MHS to synthesize the ideas we have gathered from our networks and to develop a detailed feature requirements checklist and development pathway for the next phase of the project.
2. Development of Beta and Partner Testing: develop a functioning version of the downloadable and hosted versions of Omeka for beta testing by our partners, develop our Dublin Core-based information architecture and database based on partner recommendations, implement the core “model-view-controller” software architecture in PHP (including the templating and plug-in systems), build the user interface for museum staff, develop the three basic templates, and write basic documentation. CHNM will then gather feedback from the testers through discussion forums, a project blog, and a documentation wiki.
3. Revision and Release of Omeka 1.0: improve Omeka based on the experiences and comments of its partners and beta testers, implementing new features where required and possible, adjusting installation routines and user interfaces, and improving Omeka’s documentation and “help” materials. CHNM will also perform comprehensive “smoke testing” to identify and squash any bugs in the system. In addition to these fixes, CHNM will continue to tighten and refine the core software architecture to improve Omeka’s performance and speed. We will mark the launch of Omeka 1.0 with a live video conference with our partners in September 2009.
4. Dissemination and Evaluation: issemination among their nationwide network of more than 150 affiliate museums, demonstrate Omeka at the Historic Naval Ships Association annual conference.

Project URL


Institute of Museum and Library Services

Funding Amount



Minnesota Historical Society


2008 Mellon Award for Technology Collaboration


Whiteboard image 1
Whiteboard image 2
Whiteboard sketch 3
Tentative Dev. Timeline



“Omeka - A Free, Open-source, Standards-Based, Easy-to-Use Web Publishing Platform to Bring History and Heritage Museums into the Era of Web 2.0,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/210.

Item Relations

This Item foaf:fundedBy Item: Institute of Museum and Library Services
This Item Partner Item: Minnesota Historical Society
This Item Staff Item: Roy Rosenzweig
This Item Staff Item: Tom Scheinfeldt
This Item Staff Item: Jeremy Boggs
This Item Staff Item: Sharon Leon
This Item Staff Item: Nate Agrin
This Item Staff Item: Sheila Brennan
Item: Omeka Playdates dcterms:relation This Item