World History Sources

Dublin Core


World History Sources

Project Item Type Metadata


World History Sources


World History Sources provides a portal to world history websites developed by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media.

Original project title: World History Matters

Start Date


End Date


Proposal Co-Authors

Roy Rosenzweig


Mills Kelly
Kelly Schrum

Web Designer(s)

Paula Petrick
Stephanie Hurter


Elena Razlogova
Amanda Shuman

Staff Members

Kristin Lehner
Jessica May
Katharina Hering
Rustin Crandall

Content Experts

Peter Stearns
Ben Carton
John Voll
Brian Platt
Matthew Karush
John Bristol
Sumaiya Hamdani
Robert DeCaroli
Bob Bain
Randy Bass
Barbara Bindenbosch
Ross Dunn
Karen Hurt
Pat Manning
Heidi Roupp
Pennee Bender
Josh Brown
David Pace
Deborah Vess


Akira Iriye
Jerry Bentley
Irene Bierman
Joni Seager
William Weber
Anne Walthall
Daniel Waugh
Herbert S. Klein


1. Where is World History on the Web - a guide to more than 100 of the best online primary document archives in world history.
2. Making Sense of World History Sources- eight guides to teach students how to analyze particular genres as evidence as part of world history.
3. Case Studies in Document Analysis - How Expert Learners Learn: multimedia models of 'expert learners' analyzing historical documents.
4. Classroom Case Studies - Teaching with Documents - sixteen case studies that 'make visible' the planning and implementation involved in teaching a particular source in world history.


National Endowment for the Humanities
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation


High school and university students and educators





“World History Sources,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 14, 2025,

Output Formats

Item Relations

This Item foaf:fundedBy Item: National Endowment for the Humanities
This Item foaf:fundedBy Item: Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
This Item Staff Item: Roy Rosenzweig
This Item Staff Item: Kelly Schrum
This Item Staff Item: Mills Kelly
This Item Staff Item: Stephanie Hurter
This Item Staff Item: Paula Petrik
This Item Staff Item: Elena Razlogova
This Item Staff Item: Amanda Shuman
This Item Staff Item: Kristin Lehner
This Item Staff Item: Jessica May
This Item Staff Item: Katharina Hering
This Item Staff Item: Rustin Crandall