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Paula Petrik

Dublin Core


Paula Petrik

Person Item Type Metadata

Last Name


Position(s) at CHNM

Associate Director

Began at CHNM


Where are they now?

Fairfax, VA

Current Position

Associate Director

Biographical Text

Before I came to George Mason University in 2001 to join the faculty of the history & new media program, I spent seven years at Montana State University and eleven years at the University of Maine. Historians are fond of saying that a history major is a versatile major. Proof of concept: I spent my last year at the University of Maine as chair of the Department of Mathematics & Statistics. My research interests concern the history of women and the family in the American West, the US toy industry, the development of domestic law, and the application of digital technology to teaching history and historical research (not necessarily in that order). Predictably, my teaching reflects these areas of expertise. In the past, I have received a Fulbright Fellowship to the United Kingdom, an NEH Fellowship, an Apple Computer Faculty Internship, and a Smithsonian Fellowship, among others, in addition to the Paladin and Oscar O. Winther prizes. I am orginally from Montana, have three cats—Gray Mowit, Dakota, and Wing.


Petrik Paula.jpg


“Paula Petrik,” RRCHNM20, accessed February 14, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/18.