Women, World History, and the Web: Teaching and Learning Through Online Primary Sources
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Women, World History, and the Web: Teaching and Learning Through Online Primary Sources
Project Item Type Metadata
Women, World History, and the Web: Teaching and Learning Through Online Primary Sources
Women, World History, and the Web creates an online curriculum resource center to help high school and college world history teachers and their students locate and analyze primary sources dealing with the history of women around the world. The materials in this project will encourage more teachers to integrate the latest scholarship in the history of women and world history into their courses and will give students a more sophisticated framework for understanding global women’s history.
Start Date
End Date
Mills Kelly
Kelly Schrum
Sharon Leon
Kristin Lehner
Web Designer(s)
Stephanie Hurter
Paula Petrick
Rikk Mulligan
Staff Members
Rustin Crandall
Katharina Hering
Content Experts
Peter Stearns
Jean Allman
Antoinette Burton
Donna Guy
Merry Wiesner-Hanks
Nora E. Jaffary
Nancy Wingfield
Judith P. Zinsser
Joan Bristol
Sumaiya Hamdani
Yevette Richards Jordan
Jitka Malekcova
Maureen Miller
Brian Platt
Dina M. Copelman
Beverly Mack
Marjorie Bingham
Marilynn Jo Hitchens
Heidi Roupp
Susan Gross
Tom Hatch
Mary H. Rojas
Patricia G. Avery
Bob Bain
Anne Chapman
Sara Evans
Gretchen Kreuter
Meryll Page
Margaret Strobel
1. Women in World History Curriculum Modules: Each online curriculum module will include the following: a) A brief contextualizing essay (ca. 1000-1500 words) that provides background and addresses issues of translation, and cross-cultural and time-period comparison. b) Eight to twelve primary source documents (including diaries, letters, photographs, artwork, news reports, public records, maps, speeches, songs, oral histories, and film), already translated by scholars. c) Probing questions that teachers and students can use to begin discussion of the documents and topics. Questions will emphasize strategies for reading the primary sources. d) Discussion questions that challenge students to think about the issues raised in a larger context of world history, with an emphasis on cross-cultural contact and globalization. These questions will highlight connections and comparisons with other modules and cross reference modules. e) A password-protected section of the site reserved for teachers will offer discussions of teaching strategies centered on the specific topics and primary sources as well as possible ways to answer the questions provided. f) Links to other relevant materials and resources on the web.
Project URL
National Endowment for the Humanities
Upper Midwest Women's History Center
“Women, World History, and the Web: Teaching and Learning Through Online Primary Sources,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/232.
Item Relations
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: National Endowment for the Humanities |
This Item | Partner | Item: Upper Midwest Women's History Center |
This Item | Staff | Item: Roy Rosenzweig |
This Item | Staff | Item: Kelly Schrum |
This Item | Staff | Item: Sharon Leon |
This Item | Staff | Item: Kristin Lehner |
This Item | Staff | Item: Stephanie Hurter |
This Item | Staff | Item: Paula Petrik |
This Item | Staff | Item: Rikk Mulligan |
This Item | Staff | Item: Katharina Hering |
This Item | Staff | Item: Mills Kelly |