Historical Thinking Matters
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Historical Thinking Matters
Project Item Type Metadata
Historical Thinking Matters
A vast, free historical archive has emerged on the Internet. New technology, together with millions of dollars in government and foundation funding, has democratized access to the historical record in ways unimaginable. The potential represented by this development has only been partially realized because most students lack the skills to decipher historical texts and to synthesize them into coherent narratives. Many teachers are similarly ill prepared.This project addresses the paradox of an abundance of historical texts and a dearth of students and teachers able to read these texts in sophisticated ways. Rather than seeing new technology as the problem, we want to make technology part of the solution. We want to develop web-based resources for teachers and students that will democratize historical understanding and promote core features of academic literacy. We propose a three-year project that will create resources for teachers and students in the basic U.S. history survey course taught regularly in high schools, community colleges, and colleges.
Start Date
End Date
Sharon Leon
Web Designer(s)
Stephanie Hurter
Jeremy Boggs
Josh Greenberg
Rikk Mulligan
Staff Members
Meagan Hess
Content Experts
Michael O'Malley
Daisy Martin
Chauncey Monte-Sano
Avishag Reisman
Julie Park,
Brad Fogo
1. project ideas and website development - one-week intensive workshop, select and create materials, beta version of one complete module and outlines of the design and interface for three additional modules.
2. prototyping and testing the site with diverse groups of teachers and students (high school, community college, and public university levels. Continue work on modules, videotape classroom experiences. Complete beta versions of four modules.
3. complete site and gather formal evaluation information at the different sites. Dissemination through traveling graduate student, workshops, and additional networks.
Project URL
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Stanford History Education Group
American Historical Association's 2008 James Harvey Robinson Prize for an Outstanding Teaching Aid
“Historical Thinking Matters,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/231.
Item Relations
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: William and Flora Hewlett Foundation |
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: Carnegie Corporation of New York |
This Item | Staff | Item: Roy Rosenzweig |
This Item | Staff | Item: Sharon Leon |
This Item | Staff | Item: Stephanie Hurter |
This Item | Staff | Item: Jeremy Boggs |
This Item | Staff | Item: Josh Greenberg |
This Item | Staff | Item: Rikk Mulligan |
This Item | Staff | Item: Meagan Hess |
This Item | Staff | Item: Mike O'Malley |