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Alaina Harmon

Dublin Core


Alaina Harmon

Person Item Type Metadata


Alaina Harmon

Last Name


Position(s) at CHNM

Research and Wikipedia Assistant, TeachingHistory.org
Project Manager, Popular Romance Project

Began at CHNM

May 2011


August 2013

Where are they now?

Washington, D.C.

Current Position

Preventive Conservation Intern, National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution

Biographical Text

My professional strengths include project management, communication among and across groups of diverse constituents, analytical ability, evaluation of existing processes and products, and initiation and development of projects.

Previous experience of note ranges from a strong education in cultural anthropology to professional experience in museum exhibit evaluation, website development and copy writing, support of documentary film production, and biological collections cataloging. I have additional artistic and technical abilities evidenced by experience in maritime vessel and architectural conservation, as well as study of architectural design. I enjoy bringing my artistic, scientific, digital, and liberal arts perspectives to the table to solve problems from many vantage points and to facilitate communication across disciplines.




“Alaina Harmon,” RRCHNM20, accessed February 14, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/96.


Item Relations

Item: Sea of Liberty Staff This Item
Item: Teachinghistory.org Staff This Item
Item: The Popular Romance Project Staff This Item