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Ammon Shepherd

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Ammon Shepherd

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Ammon Shepherd

Last Name


Position(s) at CHNM

Tech Coordinator and Webmaster
Associate Director of Technology, Systems Administrator

Began at CHNM




Where are they now?

University of Virginia, Scholars Lab

Biographical Text

Ammon graduated magna cum laude from Arizona State University with a B.A. in History and a B.A. in German in 2003. He took a year off from school to increase his computer hardware and programming skills at a local K-12 charter school. The combination of technology and teaching increased his already nascent desires to merge the fields of technology and history. After finding George Mason University's Center for History and New Media via a Google search for "analytical history", he knew that GMU was the place to seek his advanced degrees. In 2007, Ammon received an M.A. in History. He is currently working on a PhD in History at GMU. His dissertation will put together the history of Nazi's underground dispersal projects (nazitunnels.org). Ammon's interests include religion, aviation and society in modern Germany, using the World Wide Web and other computer technologies to present, teach, and learn history, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning History. Ultimately, Ammon would like to teach at the university level while being involved with a group such as the Center for History and New Media as a Digital Historian. He has worked at the Center for History and New Media since January 2006, first as a GRA, and now as Associate Director of Technology.




“Ammon Shepherd,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/74.