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September 11 Digital Archive: Saving America's Treasures

Dublin Core


September 11 Digital Archive: Saving America's Treasures


Saving America's Treasures grant proposal to the NEH and National Park Service to update and stabilize the September 11 Digital Archive

Project Item Type Metadata


September 11 Digital Archive: Saving America's Treasures


In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the staff at the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University and the American Social History Project (ASHP) at the City University of New York Graduate Center CHNM and ASHP built a rough and ready web portal, the September 11 Digital Archive to capture the responses to and materials produced in the wake of those terrible events. At 150,000 items, the Archive stands as the world's largest public collection of born-digital materials related to the events of September 11. Cutting edge at its launch nearly ten years ago, the Archive now is showing its age. Given the significance and fragile state of the Archive, we propose transferring this groundbreaking digital collection to a stable, standardized, up-to-date archival system that will insure the long-term preservation of these materials and guarantee these primary sources of contemporary history will be accessible in the coming decades.

Start Date


End Date


Proposal Co-Authors

Sheila Brennan


Tom Scheinfeldt
Sheila Brennan


Ammon Shepherd
Jim Safley

Staff Members

Dan Cohen
Jeri Wieringa


1. Survey off digital assets and creating metadata crosswalks from original site to Omeka.
2. Customizing Omeka installation, creating multiple backups, and migrating data to a new server.
3. Automated testing of the system, UI redesign, testing, and relaunch of site.


National Endowment for the Humanities

Technology Used





“September 11 Digital Archive: Saving America's Treasures,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/200.

Item Relations

This Item foaf:fundedBy Item: National Endowment for the Humanities
This Item Staff Item: Tom Scheinfeldt
This Item Staff Item: Sharon Leon
This Item Staff Item: Ammon Shepherd
This Item Staff Item: Jim Safley
This Item Staff Item: Sheila Brennan