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Postal Memory Book

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Postal Memory Book

Project Item Type Metadata


Postal Memory Book


The National Postal Museum (NPM) desires to launch an online Postal Memory Book on its museum website in order to document and preserve stories detailing the history and work of former and current postal employees, the heart of the postal system. This online Postal Memory Book will add rich and valuable content to the museum’s collection of historical information relating to the history and development of the post in America.

Proposal Co-Authors

Sharon Leon


Sheila Brennan

Web Designer(s)

Chris Raymond


1. Omeka Demonstration and Training
2. Project Vision and Requirements Meeting
3. Technical Review Meeting with Smithsonian Office of the Chief Information Officer
4. Wireframes
5. Mood Boards
6. Photoshop Mock-ups
7. Site Build-out
8. Site Walk-through and Sign-off Meeting
9. Transfer of Design and Layout
10. Site Launch


Homepage Mockup
Moodboard - vintage
Moodboard - Modern
Browse-page mock up
Map-Browse Page Mockup
Contribute Page Mockup



“Postal Memory Book,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 13, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/244.

Item Relations

This Item Staff Item: Sharon Leon
This Item Staff Item: Sheila Brennan
This Item Staff Item: Chris Raymond