Martha Washington: A Life
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Martha Washington: A Life
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Martha Washington: A Life
The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University proposes to create an online exhibit that uses the contours and major events in Martha Washington’s life to introduce visitors to the experiences of women’s lives during the 18th century, including women’s access to property and education, their role in the Revolution, their thoughts on the promises of rights called for in the founding documents, as well as their everyday experiences of marriage, motherhood, labor, sickness, and death. In each case, these issues will be explored through the documents, artifacts, and events of Martha Washington’s life and the lives of the women she lived, socialized, and corresponded with. An interpretive web exhibit will draw a whole new universe of users to Mount Vernon’s materials. The estate draws visitors from around the nation, but with every season only a limited number of Americans can make the journey to Virginia to view the mansions, the gardens, and the museum and education center. This site will reach out to history enthusiasts, teachers and students, and members of the general public to introduce them to often overlooked aspects of the Colonial and Early American experience.
Start Date
End Date
Sharon Leon
Web Designer(s)
Chris Raymond
Ken Albers
Staff Members
Jim Ashton
Content Experts
Rosemarie Zagarri
Project URL
Donald and Nancy de Laski
George Washington's Mount Vernon
“Martha Washington: A Life,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025,
Item Relations
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: Donald and Nancy de Laski |
This Item | Partner | Item: George Washington's Mount Vernon |
This Item | Staff | Item: Sharon Leon |
This Item | Staff | Item: Chris Raymond |
This Item | Staff | Item: Ken Albers |
This Item | Staff | Item: Jim Ashton |