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Amanda Regan

Dublin Core


Amanda Regan

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Amanda Regan

Last Name


Position(s) at CHNM

Digital History Fellow

Began at CHNM

August 2013

Where are they now?

Fairfax, Virginia

Current Position

Digital History Fellow



Biographical Text

I am a first year PhD student at George Mason University and one of theDigital History Fellows at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media.   My research interest is primarily U.S. Women’s history with a particular focus on physical culture and beauty in the early twentieth century.  Additionally I am interested in Digital History and the ways in which it can enhance historical scholarship.

I earned my masters degree in history at California State University, San Marcos.  My masters thesis was titled “Madame Sylvia of Hollywood and Physical Culture, 1920-1940.”  It examines the changing nature of women’s physical and beauty culture by looking at one editorialist, Sylvia Ullback, who wrote for Photoplay magazine in the twenties and thirties.




“Amanda Regan,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 14, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/129.

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