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September 11 Digital Archive

In response to the terrible events of Septemeber 11th, the American Social History Project at the City University of New York Graduate Center and the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University created the September 11 Digital Archive. Its purpose is to collect, preserve, and present the history of the attacks on New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Funded by the Alred P. Sloan Foundation, the Digital Archive will also provde a way of assessing how history is being recorded and preserved in the twenty-first century.

This exhibit attempts to provide context for the September 11 Digital Archive. How does the digital archive "fit" into the story that is CHNM? How has it been influenced by prior projects and how has it lead the center towards new projects? In this way, the exhibit is more on the Center for History and New Media and its story as it relates to the September 11 Digital Archive.