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Nicole Kahler (Roth)

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Nicole Kahler (Roth)

Person Item Type Metadata


Nicole Kahler (Roth)

Last Name

Kahler (Roth)

Position(s) at CHNM

Administrative Assistant

Began at CHNM

February 2009


September 2010

Where are they now?

Fairfax, Virginia

Current Position

Graduate Program Coordinator, George Mason University

Biographical Text

Nicole Roth manages the paperwork for PHD History, MA History and MA Art History students within the department. She is also involved in admitting graduate students. She also manages website content and marketing for the History and Art History graduate programs.

She has worked with George Mason University for several years, first with the Center for History and New Media and then with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Gradaute Admissions Office. She received her BA in English, Non-Fiction Writing & Rhetoric and Art History from GMU in May of 2008.

In Fall 2013 she began her first term on the GMU Staff Senate.




“Nicole Kahler (Roth),” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/85.

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