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Echo 2: Exploring and Collecting the History of Science, Technology, and Industry in a Digital Era

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Echo 2: Exploring and Collecting the History of Science, Technology, and Industry in a Digital Era


Proposal for a second part of the Echo project- designed to enhance outreach and training, developing tools and new approaches to teaching history online.


Echo 2 worked to build on the efforts of Echo 1. Beginning in July 2005, week-long, intensive workshops for fifteen participants who plan to create online projects in the history of science, technology, and industry.


January 16, 2004

Project Item Type Metadata


Echo 2: Exploring and Collecting the History of Science, Technology, and Industry in a Digital Era


Echo 2 worked to build on the efforts of Echo 1. Beginning in July 2005, week-long, intensive workshops for fifteen participants who plan to create online projects in the history of science, technology, and industry.

Start Date


End Date


Proposal Co-Authors

Roy Rosenzweig
Dan Cohen
Tom Scheinfeldt


Connie Moon Sehat
Josh Greenberg
Sean Takats

Staff Members

Joan Fragaszy
Marty Andolino
Jennifer Reeder


1. A critical, on-going assessment of the practice of documenting the history of science and technology online, which will involve five leading practitioners from the worlds of the history of science and technology and digital history.
2. The Portal, an online center for those interested in the history of science and technology, which will offer (among other things) 300 detailed annotations of history of science and technology websites and ten major online dialogues with leading participants in the making of that history.
3. An active collecting effort of our own in our Memory Bank, which will produce at least 500 contributions.
4. A comprehensive guide to collecting history online.
5. Aggressive outreach to hundreds of other possible practitioners through personal contact, workshops, consultancies, which will result in fifty new practitioners who pursue the collecting and disseminating of the history of science and technology online.

Project URL


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


American Historical Association, National History Center, National Museum of American History, the Air and Space Museum, the Smithsonian Archives, National Park Service, New -York Historical Society, Chicago Historical Society, National Institutes of Health,


Echo website 2008-present
Echo website 2004
Echo website 2005-2008



“Echo 2: Exploring and Collecting the History of Science, Technology, and Industry in a Digital Era,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/7.

Item Relations

This Item foaf:fundedBy Item: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
This Item Staff Item: Roy Rosenzweig
This Item Staff Item: Dan Cohen
This Item Staff Item: Tom Scheinfeldt
This Item Staff Item: Sean Takats
This Item Staff Item: Josh Greenberg
This Item Staff Item: Connie Moon Sehat
This Item Staff Item: Joan Fragaszy Troyano
This Item Staff Item: Jennifer Reeder
This Item Staff Item: Marty Andolino