Hurricane Digital Memory Bank
Dublin Core
Hurricane Digital Memory Bank
Hurricane Digital Memory Bank grant documents and materials
Project Item Type Metadata
Hurricane Digital Memory Bank
The Hurricane Digital Memory Bank (HDMB) seeks, first, to collect and preserve digital evidence of the devastating Gulf Coast hurricanes of 2005—Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. The purpose of the grant is to continue the work started in October 2005 with an officer’s grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. This grant expands on the pilot version, to further develop and disseminate the practice of collecting and preserving the past online, offering guidance, tools, and approaches to be used in a wide variety of settings to reproduce similar digital collections.
Project is built on Site Builder, an early version of Omeka. The project also led to the creation of the Contribution and Geolocation plug-ins for Omeka.
Project is built on Site Builder, an early version of Omeka. The project also led to the creation of the Contribution and Geolocation plug-ins for Omeka.
Start Date
End Date
Dan Cohen
Tom Scheinfeldt
Sheila Brennan
Web Designer(s)
Nate Agrin
Jim Safley
Staff Members
Olivia Ryan
Allison O'Connor
Roger Mellen
1. Traffic to the site of one million page views in 2006.
2. 3,000 personal stories and images collected
3. outreach and networking
4. Guide to Building a Digital Memory Bank
5. enhance Survey Builder
Project URL
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Funding Amount
University of New Orleans
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History
Louisiana State Museum
Tulane University - Southern Institute for Research and Education
Crescent City Farmer's Market
Loyola University - Twomey Center for Peace Through Justice
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Foundation Archive
Tulane University - Special Collections
Technology Used
Site Builder (Omeka)
“Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025,
Item Relations
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation |
This Item | Partner | Item: University of New Orleans |
This Item | Partner | Item: Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History |
This Item | Partner | Item: Louisiana State Museum |
This Item | Partner | Item: Tulane University - Southern Institute for Research and Education |
This Item | Partner | Item: Crescent City Farmer's Market |
This Item | Partner | Item: Loyola University - Twomey Center for Peace Through Justice |
This Item | Partner | Item: New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Foundation Archive |
This Item | Partner | Item: Tulane University - Special Collections |