A re-creation of PT Barnum’s American Museum as a lens into mid-19th century New York City and antebellum America. The Lost Museum website offers visitors a visualization and spacial interpretation of this extraordinary institution as well as an innovative way to learn and teach about the many issues and events of the period. This project grew from a proposal for a CD-ROM project called Landscapes in Time that aimed to provide a dense portrait of a particular time and single place as a…
Unveiling History: Exploring America’s Past is a Teaching American History grant that provides professional development opportunities for elementary, middle-, and high-school teachers. Teachers who participate in the program will receive graduate credits in history from George Mason University.
Elementary teachers will participate in a 1-week summer institute lead by Professor Christopher Hamner and several school year activities. Workshops will focus on American history, historical thinking…
This project gathers information about how digital resources are being currently used, seeks to make them easier to use in more sophisticated ways, and exemplifies some promising approaches to text mining and analysis.
The September 11 Digital Archive will play a key role in the use of electronic media to collect, preserve and present the history of the September 11 attacks and the public responses.
SmartFox, a set of tools incorporated into popular, open, and free web software, will address these major problems by creating a web browser that is “smarter” in two key ways. First, one tool will enable the browser to intelligently sense when its user is viewing a digital library or museum object; this will allow the browser to capture information from the page automatically, such as the creator, title, date of creation, and copyright information. Second, another tool will store and organize…
We propose to produce a U.S. history CD-ROM for both public and in-school audiences.Who Built America? A Nation Transformed, 1914-1946,uses hypertext and multimedia to survey a vast panorama of key historical events. Public access will be assured by the distribution of free copies to schools and public libraries and by placing portions of the completed CD-ROMs on the Internet. The overall goal is to develop prototypes for presenting scholarly-based historu through electronic media and to foster…