The THATCamp program has offered low-cost digital methods training to hundreds of humanities scholars. Largely as a result of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s 2010-2012 investment of $260,000, THATCamp has succeeded at providing digital humanities training at scale to the scholarly community, serving more than 4000 participants since its inception in 2008. We are asking for two further and final years of funding to ensure that THATCamp survives and flourishes for many years to come. With…, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, was designed to help K–12 history teachers access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.
The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University is developing new approaches to online collecting of history with a particular focus on the problem of documenting a historical subject that has few central archives and institutions: open source. With Mozilla’s cooperation, a new Firefox Digital Memory Bank will become a centerpiece of our recently launched Open Source Historical Archive (, CHNM’s larger effort to collect, preserve, and analyze…
A re-creation of PT Barnum’s American Museum as a lens into mid-19th century New York City and antebellum America. The Lost Museum website offers visitors a visualization and spacial interpretation of this extraordinary institution as well as an innovative way to learn and teach about the many issues and events of the period. This project grew from a proposal for a CD-ROM project called Landscapes in Time that aimed to provide a dense portrait of a particular time and single place as a…
The strength of history museums lies in their collections, their objects. But students and teachers often lack the skills to make sense of historical objects, to analyze them closely and tease out their larger historical significance. Many students aren’t even in a position to visit a museum, making it even more difficult for them to engage in close analysis of historical objects. The Object of History, which will be developed by the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason…
The Popular Romance Project explores the fascinating, often contradictory origins and influences of popular romance as told in novels, films, comics, advice books, songs, and internet fan fiction, taking a global perspective—while looking back across time as far as the ancient Greeks. The Popular Romance Project includes several ambitious, high-profile, carefully integrated programs: a feature-length documentary, Love Between the Covers, for international television broadcast, focusing on the…
Grant document proposes the PressForward Initiative (PFI) to explore the best means for aggregating, curating, and crediting scholarship that is currently decentralized across the web or does not fit into traditional genres such as the journal article or the monograph. PFI will pioneer new methods for capturing and highlighting a vast expanse of presently orphaned or underappreciated scholarship in ways that are useful to scholarly communities and which will, as a byproduct, promote open access…
Unveiling History: Exploring America’s Past is a Teaching American History grant that provides professional development opportunities for elementary, middle-, and high-school teachers. Teachers who participate in the program will receive graduate credits in history from George Mason University.
Elementary teachers will participate in a 1-week summer institute lead by Professor Christopher Hamner and several school year activities. Workshops will focus on American history, historical thinking…
The With Criminal Intent project will create an intellectual exemplar for the role of data mining in an important historical discipline–the history of crime–and illustrate how the tools of digital humanities can be used to wrest new knowledge from one of the largest humanities data sets currently available: the Old Bailey Online. It will create a seamlessly connected environment, the Newgate Commons, in which scholars can use data mining techniques to select themed texts from the 120 million…
To mark the 400th anniversary of the English settlement of Jamestown, CHNM has created Virginia 400, a portal for finding, teaching, and learning about Virginia History on the web. Pulling from the extensive resources of award-winning projects such as History Matters, Exploring US History, and the September 11 Digital Archive, and building on lessons learned working directly with Virigina teachers on several Teaching American History grants, VA 400 provides one-stop shopping for teachers,…