Trevor Owens and Dave Lester are behind the registration desk, Patrick Murray John is visible in the distance, Jason Rodhy is standing with his back to the camera, Lisa Spiro is visible on the right side of the photo. CC-BY Finn Arne Jørgensen
A mash-up of an old Kool-Aid commercial where Jeremy Boggs briefly plays the role of the Kool-Aid man. Youtube user "takats" commented "This genius commercial is clearly the work of Esteban Spielbergo, the Steven Spielberg of Mexico. P.S. At least 90% of the views are me." and user "Tad Suiter" commented "Dude, that's hilarious." By 2014 the video had recieved 630 views, 4 thumbs up and 0 thumbs down on YouTube" CC-BY -> Trevor Owens
Brainstorming session during Zotero's initial beta period. From left: Dan Cohen, Josh Greenberg, Simon Kornblith, Roy Rosenzweig, Dan Stillman, Sean Takats, Trevor Owens, Matt Eaton
CHNM staff go to Washington D.C. to take pictures of memorials for an education project. They noticed George Mason near an overpass. He wasn't doing much, so they said hi.