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Megan Brett

Dublin Core


Megan Brett

Person Item Type Metadata


Megan Brett

Last Name


Position(s) at CHNM

Graduate Research Assistant
Digital History Associate

Began at CHNM

August 2011

Current Position

Digital History Associate



Biographical Text

I am a doctoral student at George Mason University, focusing on the Early American Republic (1780-1830, roughly).

I have a BA in History from Vassar College and an MSc in Scottish Studies from the University of Edinburgh. I worked for three years for a historic house museum in Virginia before being accepted to my doctoral program. In addition to my studies, I am a Digital History Association at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. I am one of two Graduate Student At-Large Representatives on the Executive Committee of the Southern Association for Women Historians, for which I also serve as Associate Web Editor.




“Megan Brett,” RRCHNM20, accessed March 9, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/122.

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