Who Built America?
Dublin Core
Who Built America?
Project Item Type Metadata
History in New Media: U.S. History CD-ROM
We propose to produce a U.S. history CD-ROM for both public and in-school audiences. Who Built America? A Nation Transformed, 1914-1946, uses hypertext and multimedia to survey a vast panorama of key historical events. Public access will be assured by the distribution of free copies to schools and public libraries and by placing portions of the completed CD-ROMs on the Internet. The overall goal is to develop prototypes for presenting scholarly-based historu through electronic media and to foster increased dialogue about the use of new media for the presentation of the humanities to in-school and public audiences.
(The grant proposal included a second CD-ROM, Landscapes in Time, that would provide a dense portrait of a particaulr time and a single place. That project was not funded in 1995. The American Social History Project reapplied in 1996 and received limited funding to develop this project. It became The Lost Museum)
(The grant proposal included a second CD-ROM, Landscapes in Time, that would provide a dense portrait of a particaulr time and a single place. That project was not funded in 1995. The American Social History Project reapplied in 1996 and received limited funding to develop this project. It became The Lost Museum)
Start Date
End Date
Stephen Brier
Roy Rosenzweig
Staff Members
Mike O'Malley
Content Experts
Barbara Melosh
Joshua Brown
Pennee Bender
Andrea Ades Vasquez
Project URL
National Endowment for the Humanities
American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning
“Who Built America?,” RRCHNM20, accessed February 14, 2025, https://20.rrchnm.org/items/show/349.
Item Relations
This Item | foaf:fundedBy | Item: National Endowment for the Humanities |
This Item | Partner | Item: American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning |
This Item | Staff | Item: Roy Rosenzweig |