Proposal to create an open source transcription tool to enable researchers to access handwritten historical documents. To be used with Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800 and a few other test sites.
(Budget Justification documents have been redacted)
Grant proposal for additional funds in support of the Papers of the War Department, 1874-1800 project. Indicates that in 2007, the project shifted emphasis toward the immediate availability of content online (reducing the amount of available finding data). Grant application requests additional funds to utilize existing infrastructure and complete the more extensive data entry processes begun prior to the shift.
A pilot version of the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, to collect and preserve digital evidence of the devastating Gulf Coast hurricanes of 2005—Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.
Grant document proposes the PressForward Initiative (PFI) to explore the best means for aggregating, curating, and crediting scholarship that is currently decentralized across the web or does not fit into traditional genres such as the journal article or the monograph. PFI will pioneer new methods for capturing and highlighting a vast expanse of presently orphaned or underappreciated scholarship in ways that are useful to scholarly communities and which will, as a byproduct, promote open access…
In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the staff at the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University and the American Social History Project (ASHP) at the City University of New York Graduate Center CHNM and ASHP built a rough and ready web portal, the September 11 Digital Archive to capture the responses to and materials produced in the wake of those terrible events. At 150,000 items, the Archive stands as the world's largest public collection of born-digital…
The goal of Making the History of 1989 is to make visible to teachers and students the events of 1989 and the processes by which historians turn those events into sometimes conflicting narratives, thereby providing students with the sources and intellectual tools they need to be history makers rather than passive consumers of the past. To this end, Making the History of 1989 will create a free website with three key features: a substantial collection of high quality primary sources along with…
The strength of history museums lies in their collections, their objects. But students and teachers often lack the skills to make sense of historical objects, to analyze them closely and tease out their larger historical significance. Many students aren’t even in a position to visit a museum, making it even more difficult for them to engage in close analysis of historical objects. The Object of History, which will be developed by the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason…
Drawing on the latest archival-based research on the Gulag, this web exhibit provides an innovative, multifaceted consideration of the human struggle for survival in the Gulag, the brutal and often lethal Soviet system of forced labor concentration camps and internal exile.